Meredith Minkow from Bleacher Report: The Ultimate WNBA Pod

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Skylar and Brian are joined by Meredith Minkow of Bleacher Report for the ultimate WNBA episode. They chat about highlights from the Wubble, give their WNBA Award picks, and get you prepped for the WNBA playoffs. And of course, noted Jimmy Butler stans Meredith and Skylar can't resist talking Jimmy's bubble antics.

Full Transcript

Skylar Smith:
Hi, everyone, and welcome back to High Tea Hoops. It's Skylar, the Duchess of Hoops, here with Brian, the Duke of Hoops, as always, and we have a very special guest today, Meredith Minkow from Bleacher Report. Welcome, Meredith. How's it going?

Meredith Minkow:
Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. It's going well. How about you guys?

Skylar Smith:
Good, good. Thanks for being here. Do you want to just start us off by telling us a little bit about your background?

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah. I am podcasting from Oakland, California right now. I moved here to work for Bleacher Report, a sports company. I started in sports working for the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx and then moved out here for that job, just covering all different sports. Big NBA and WNBA fan.

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
The Lynx and the Timberwolves are one of the few teams that actually have them combined, correct? I don't think there's many NBA, WNBA where they are one organization?

Meredith Minkow:
Mm-hmm (affirmative). The Lynx are probably one of ... I mean, I haven't been around ... I've been around a lot of teams but not behind the scenes. But the way the Lynx are run are probably top class organization. One of the top two or three-

Brian Bosché:
No bias at all.

Meredith Minkow:
No bias but just how it's run. I've noticed when WNBA teams are under the same umbrellas as NBA teams, they seem ... Facilities and all that stuff seems to be run a little better from what I can see. Just my opinion.

Skylar Smith:
That makes sense. I'm glad you brought up the Timberwolves. We've got a very special WNBA playoff preview show today. But before we get into that, Meredith, I've been dying to talk to you about this, I understand you're a bit of a Jimmy's fan and I am as well-

Brian Bosché:
God, it's insufferable, every pod with Skylar.

Skylar Smith:
We're going to do four minutes on Jimmy, okay? And then we're going to move on. We have to get it in. I started following Jimmy ... When was it? I lived in Chicago, one of the years he was there. I think, I started following him then. Me and my friends saw him on the L, on the subway, a bunch of times. I think, I originally was just like, "It's so cool, that he's taking the subway." He had a max contract, at that point, but was still just taking the subway to practice every day. I've just been obsessed with him since.

Skylar Smith:
So, Meredith, why do you think Jimmy is thriving so much with the Heat?

Meredith Minkow:
Well, I'm similar to you. I grew up in Chicago. I saw him at a brunch place once. I fell in love with his game, not him, his game and his personality, when he was with the Bulls. That team that he was on, was the team that I got introduced to basketball with. I think, he's thriving just because, it seems like they let him ... He's even said it. They let him be himself. Obviously, he's a big personality and can rub some people the wrong way. He seems to just fit perfectly.

Meredith Minkow:
The Heat have a very specific culture, it seems like. All the players around him, it just seems like they've bought in to his way, his style, how he goes about everything, which is very particular. He said the other day ... I have to follow everything, because, we have to watch every interview and all that for work. He was talking about how in a game, when he was going off, he told his teammates, he wasn't going to pass them the ball and they were all like, "That's fine."

Meredith Minkow:
He ended up with 40 or something. That's what I love about his personality, it seems like he just ... Like a puzzle piece, he just fits right in with that culture and that team.

Skylar Smith:
The Heat, they really seem like one of the most cohesive teams, I've seen in a while. They all seem so well bonded. It's really impressive. Do you think the Heat are going to make it to the finals?

Meredith Minkow:
I would love... I would rather see... I mean, I hope the Lakers make it to the finals and I would love to see Lakers - Heat. I think that, obviously, Boston is ... They're also ... Like they gel really well together. I think, the Heat have just as many players ... They're whole team, they score. They have five different players that score in double figures every single game. And that seems to be what Boston does as well. I want to say yes, but what do you think?

Skylar Smith:
I want to say yes. I just hate the Celtics so much that there's truly nothing I want more than a Heat - Lakers finals. But, I don't know, we'll see.

Brian Bosché:
I think you're right, though. Both of these teams have so many play makers and they all have this young core with Jason Tatum, is the alpha, Jimmy Butler is the alpha. Even though, Jimmy Butler is definitely, ten times the alpha Jason Tatum is right now.

Brian Bosché:
I think, Pat Riley just spots these alphas. He's just attracted to them. I think that's one of the reasons why he fits so well. I think the Celtics will beat the Heat, though. They just look so strong. Even though, I would love to see the Heat.

Brian Bosché:
I think, Celtics - Lakers final would be incredible for the NBA, if we're talking just revenue and viewers.

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:

Skylar Smith:
All right. Last Jimmy question, and then we can get off of this, so that our listeners don't hate us. But, Meredith, there's a video that floats around on Twitter from time to time of you. I'm not sure if you're aware of which video I'm referencing? I just want to give you this space to-

Meredith Minkow:
I have no idea what video you're talking about.

Skylar Smith:
I just want to give you the space and the platform to make a statement on this video, if you want. Do you stand by your statement in this video, because, honestly, I feel like you could, in this bubble. Do you still think Jimmy Butler is the best player in the league?

Brian Bosché:
Two way player.

Skylar Smith:
Two way player.

Meredith Minkow:
I would go with both, best player and best-

Brian Bosché:
Oh. Oh. Stands by.

Meredith Minkow:
It's funny because I really don't, I mean, I don't understand why people like that video so much. I had four glasses of wine before I did that, because, I've never been on TV before. I was like, I have to be drunk for this. I have no idea what I'm doing and I also thought that TV was the same thing as Twitter. You just throw out hot takes and threw that line and Grant Hill and two other ... I mean it's TV so they jump down your throat as soon as you say something but I tried to back it up with two way and ... I'm doubling down, Jimmy Butler is, yeah, the best player in the league.

Skylar Smith:
I love this.

Brian Bosché:
Love it.

Skylar Smith:
I love that you're standing by it, to be honest. All right. Let's get into the WNBA playoff preview. It's a special show today.

Brian Bosché:
That was seven minutes, by the way, Skylar. I just want to keep you honest here.

Skylar Smith:
Okay. You can cut it down to four, Brian.

Brian Bosché:
I can't cut anything, that was all gold. But, just know, it was a seven minute Jimmy Butler segment.

Skylar Smith:
Oh, well.

Meredith Minkow:
We could do a whole Jimmy Butler segment.

Brian Bosché:
We'll do another ... If he wins the NBA championship, we'll do just an entire Jimmy pod.

Skylar Smith:
We got to have Meredith be our resident Jimmy expert. We'll just bring her on any time he's being ... Any time he goes off ... Any time he's being ridiculous ...

Brian Bosché:
I agree.

Meredith Minkow:
I'd be happy to do that. I'd be honored.

Skylar Smith:
All right. Let's get into the WNBA. The regular season wraps up on Sunday. So, we've got a ... We're going to start off with some takeaways from the regular season and the wubble and then we're going to roll through all of our picks for the WNBA awards for this year and then we're going to go through a little bit of a playoff overview, playoff preview.

Skylar Smith:
Let's jump into it with the WNBA regular season. Brian, I feel like Meredith and I just went off on Jimmy for so long, we'll let you have a little chance to speak here on your podcast.

Brian Bosché:
Oh, wow.

Skylar Smith:
What was one of your biggest takeaways from the wubble?

Brian Bosché:
Sheez. The Socratic method, right on the spot. It was so fast. I feel like we just started the season. I can't believe this was a full season. I don't think ... I don't know if a lot of the UK audience realizes this but the NBA was just the play in, there are only a few games to finish out. This has been the entire WNBA season and it's gone by so fast. All the teams are so close. I would say, my top takeaway is, I can't believe how quickly they went through it and how there's been so much parity at the top of the standings. You've got so many teams within four games of each other.

Brian Bosché:
The other one that's more of a sad note, is that they are dropping like flies. There have been so many injuries. It's be so sad to see where the top rookies have gone out. You have ... Diamond DeShields is leaving the bubble. You have injuries across the board, so, I would say it's gone by too fast for me and there's been too many injuries. But, it's been really fun, so far.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, for sure. What about you, Meredith?

Meredith Minkow:
I was going to say the injuries. That completely changes the whole game. I loved watching the Sky. They lost two really important players, Diamond, like you said, then Azura Stevens, who was balling out. Which I felt bad, because she wasn't put in a position to succeed in Dallas. With the Sky, she was just thriving. And then Karima Christmas-Kelly, tore her achilles with this awful-

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, that was so sad.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, Bria Hartley was having an insanely good season, like Sixth Woman. Yeah, injuries. Sad, but. Just like the mental aspect of it has been sad and very interesting to see just how much of a toll it takes to be in a bubble. Just makes it a totally different season.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, we've been talking about that a lot. There's so many things that are factors in the bubble and in the wubble that aren't really factors, when they're not in those situations. It's got to be so hard for them, being away from their families for so long, and not being able to escape basketball. It's got to be tough.

Brian Bosché:
Or even with their families, all the babies, they're raising their children in the bubble too. I can't even imagine that.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. I think, one of my biggest takeaways, it's not very related to play, which is fine, but I have been really excited to see the WNBA get a lot more respect in how they lead on social issues through the wubble. The WNBA has always been a leader on these issues, it was just so obvious, through the wubble and through the bubble.

Skylar Smith:
It's actually really cool to see people waking up to that and really shining a light on the WNBA on the social issues that they're taking up. And also just their play. It feels like they ... It feels like the WNBA gained a lot of fans through the wubble. So, that's probably my biggest takeaway.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah. There was a lot of momentum from last year and I definitely think them leading the charge on social justice issues, like, I was at FedEx the other day and I was wearing my fanny pack, as always, WNBA fanny pack-

Brian Bosché:
So jealous.

Skylar Smith:
We want one so bad.

Meredith Minkow:
You guys don't have them?

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
You got to get us on that list.

Meredith Minkow:
I don't know. It's very hit or miss. It's funny. Everyone ... Everything is just so exclusive with MNBA stuff. They need to, like the hoodies, they need to bring the fanny packs out.

Meredith Minkow:
But the woman who rung me up at FedEx, saw the fanny pack and she was like, oh, I've seen them on TV on CNN and all this stuff, and she knew about Maya Moore and what she did for Jonathan Irons. I asked her, "Oh, do you watch the WNBA?" She said, "No, I've never seen a game but I love what they're doing, like standing up for what's going on social justice issues." She knew a lot about it, so, their reach like... Just what they're ... Not only on the court, but off the court is really cool to see.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. It seems like they're really starting to break through a little bit, which is really cool.

Skylar Smith:
What's been everyone's favorite team to watch? Mine has, personally, been the Storm. I'm guessing that might be Brian's too.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, I'm a homer on this pod.

Skylar Smith:
We both are.

Brian Bosché:
I love the Storm.

Skylar Smith:
I just love the Storm because they had ... We talked about the injuries. The Storm are just so crazy, because every time they had someone go down or someone just needed a rest day, they always had someone would could step up and be producing at such a high level. They're just such a deep team. They're just so fun to watch.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, with Sue Bird going out, even last year, Canada stepping up every single game and then doing that again this year. And they're so much better than every other team, it's amazing to see.

Brian Bosché:
Skylar, the Storm are like my Jimmy Butler or Skylar's Jimmy Butler. Every pod, I'm like, God, the Storm are so good. And she's like, shut up with your Storm segment every single time.

Meredith Minkow:
They are, they're just like ... It's going to be ... I don't know. It seems pretty hard. The Sparks look good. The Aces look good. But, the Storm just seem to be way ahead of everyone else. Like you said, Jordan Canada as a starting point guard, on any other team ... I think she's an assist right now. Which is crazy, too. Their team is so deep. They're like surgical when they play.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, that's a good adjective for the Storm.

Meredith Minkow:
I was going to say the Storm or I would go with the Sky. I love watching the Sky.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. The Sky have been fun in the wubble.

Meredith Minkow:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)- Just their team, all their personalities are hilarious.

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
And the James Wade, coaching miked up, the only good miked up coach segment I've ever seen, where you actually had a coach, instead of being just like, "All right. Let's play some defense." Actually, you could hear him, calling out the plays, where people are going and then they just executed it flawlessly. They have been a lot of fun.

Skylar Smith:
[crosstalk 00:15:49] Brian always hates on coaches being miked up.

Brian Bosché:
I don't think the NBA ... You can say this, Meredith. They're not allowed, or the coaches don't want the NBA to broadcast everything, right? It's really locked down.

Meredith Minkow:
Yep. You don't want to hear Cheryl Reeve just yelling the whole time.

Skylar Smith:
Honestly, Curt Miller is my favorite coach to have miked up.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Skylar Smith:
I resent the fact that you said that he was the only good coach to be miked up, Brian. But whatever, we'll move on.

Brian Bosché:
That's all right.

Skylar Smith:
Brian, what team has surprised you the most in this wubble?

Brian Bosché:
That's a great question. I would say, early on, I would have said the Mystics, because, we talked about this with Ari, where they just started out on fire. Unfortunately, they have drifted off a little bit out of the playoff picture. But they could still make it in.

Brian Bosché:
But I would say the Aces. I mean, they lost some of their key players, Kelsey Plum, at the start, Cambage and Asia has just polled, I think they are number two right now, is that right? Fact check me. I think they are the number two seed right now. They're just playing so well, losing two of their key players. It's incredibly impressive to see. So, I would say the Aces.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, I think that's a good answer.

Brian Bosché:
Thank you.

Skylar Smith:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)- You're welcome, Brian.

Brian Bosché:
Just hype each other up.

Skylar Smith:
That's really just the reason we started this podcast, is so we had a forum just to hype each other up, publicly. I guess.

Meredith Minkow:
Hey, we all need it. I love it. Great answer, Brian.

Brian Bosché:
Thank you.

Skylar Smith:
Meredith, what's been your ... Who's been your favorite player to watch during this wubble?

Meredith Minkow:
This is going to be lame, but, Diana Taurasi.

Skylar Smith:
That is never lame.

Brian Bosché:

Meredith Minkow:
It's lame because, I don't know. Obviously, she's like one of the GOATs, but it's so crazy to see her, she's just on fire. That sounds weird to say, but she's ... Is she 38?

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, I think you're right. I think 38.

Meredith Minkow:
Is she 35? Is she? I know Sue Bird is 39.

Skylar Smith:
Quick googs.

Brian Bosché:
She's 38.

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:
There. So, I think she's averaging 18 and she had two 30 point games over a four game spread. She was out ... She had a really bad back injury.

Brian Bosché:

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah. She's just, obviously, so fun to watch and it's just awesome to see her playing so well in a year that people would probably predict that Skylar coming in, that she wouldn't have to do ... and if Griner was still in the wubble ... But she's going full force. So what about you guys?

Skylar Smith:
I mean, Diana is obviously, she's one of the GOATs, but she's also ... Brian and I talk a lot about like if people are just starting to get into the WNBA or just starting to get into the NBA, it's really easy to fall in love with player's personalities first and then that can guide you on to who's going to be your favorite players or your favorite teams. And Diana Taurasi is the ultimate example of this to me.

Skylar Smith:
I just love Diana Taurasi's personality. I think she's so funny. I remember seeing at the beginning of the wubble, someone tweeting, "Oh no. Diana Taurasi ... The refs have to live in the same place as Diana Taurasi, right after they're going to be reffing her." And then literally a month later, she was threatening refs on the court, saying like, "I'll see you later in the lobby."

Skylar Smith:
She always lives up to her personality and she the GOAT. I love Diana Taurasi. I think that's a perfect answer.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah. We don't have that long to appreciate these OG players.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. Sue Bird and Diana, I'm grasping onto every moment they give us, right now.

Meredith Minkow:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)-

Brian Bosché:
That would be my answer, Sue Bird. She's ... I can not ... When I'm watching her and I'm like she's 39 years old. I just turned 30 and I feel like two minutes into a pickup game and I'm done.

Meredith Minkow:

Brian Bosché:
And to see her still playing at this level, with just the pony tail still just bouncing like she's fresh out of college. I just can't believe it. And she is ... And just like ... Whenever I watch, I don't think she ever misses a three pointer. And just her command of the game. Luckily, we got to see them win the championship in Seattle, when they were playing Key Arena. And saw that playoff series, which was really fun. And Skylar-

Meredith Minkow:
You were there?

Brian Bosché:
We were there. Yeah, we were there live. I think that they clinched it in DC but they won the games at the Key Arena. She's just so much fun to watch. I'm grasping on to the OG players as they finished out their careers here.

Meredith Minkow:
Mm-hmm (affirmative) -

Skylar Smith:
I don't know if it's recency bias for me, but I think, Arike, has been my favorite player to watch. I think it's just recency bias, just because she had the insane 39 point game to get the OT win recently. She's so fun to watch, just so high energy. And Candace Parker, always, always, always. Just embarrassing defenders constantly.

Meredith Minkow:
She's having a great year.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. She's just so impressive, too. Like the way, I mean ... We've talked about this on the podcast, because I can't stop talking about Candace Parker, but ... The way that she ... We talk about the toll of the wubble and the mental toll, the physical toll of having games every day. To be able to play games every other day, while also being a broadcaster and also raising her daughter in the wubble. It's just amazing to me. She's a super hero.

Meredith Minkow:

Skylar Smith:
What were everyone's favorite wubble moments? I know I've got plenty on deck to go through. Brian, do you want to start us off?

Brian Bosché:
No. Meredith, what's yours?

Skylar Smith:
Okay. Meredith, what was your favorite wubble moment?

Meredith Minkow:
What? Brian? What? Okay. You took mine. I was going to say Diana Taurasi telling the ref to meet her in the lobby.

Skylar Smith:
Oh, I'm sorry.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, I know. And then the other one would be all the baby content, that's been amazing.

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
Oh, my God. I love the baby content. That was one of mine. I had Bryson Hartley as one of my favorite wubble moments. He was in the wubble with his mom, before she got injured, and he was bored at practice one day, as three year olds tend to be and he picked up one of the photographer's cameras and started taking pictures. The Mercury's team let him keep doing it. They set him up with a little camera and he really started getting into it. He, honestly, took some really good pictures, that the Phoenix posted on ... the Phoenix ... The Mercury posted on their Twitter. So, that was one of my favorite moments.

Meredith Minkow:
I know, I was going to say he's pictures were better than mine.

Brian Bosché:
[crosstalk 00:23:25] Oh, yeah, we have some fan questions for you later.

Meredith Minkow:
Oh, God.

Brian Bosché:
Candace taking her daughter, I think it was the first fish her daughter ever caught. Maybe, it wasn't. Maybe that was just for Instagram. But, just them taking their kids fishing and having beach days and ... I trained at tennis academies growing up, full time, which is awful. IMG is one of those where you're there all the time for tournaments and it's just ... it's not a super fun place to be. It's very intense, there's not a lot outside of it. So, to see them going to beach days and stuff, that was really fun for me.

Brian Bosché:
To hear on Tea with A and Phee, where they're talking about, "Aw, did you get a beach day yet? Aw, we didn't get one yet. Aw, I really want to go." I just love that experience of hearing them or seeing them get out to that bubble finally and having a team beach day.

Meredith Minkow:
It's like a summer camp.

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
I also want to give a special shout out to Megan Rapinoe in the bubble. She-

Brian Bosché:
Oh, yeah. I forgot she was there.

Skylar Smith:
Brian, you have not been following the content like I have-[crosstalk 00:24:33]

Brian Bosché:
I know. There's so much other stuff going on.

Skylar Smith:
I mean... So, Meredith, I love keeping up with like, walk in fits ... I love watching NBA and WNBA fashion and so Megan Rapinoe being in the bubble is just a dream for that. Because, she just had the most iconic court side outfits. But my favorite moment was, her walking out of IMG like carrying Sue Bird's dirty uniform for her. Just being such a nice little girlfriend. I thought it was just so cute. I was like, this is such a Seattle power couple. These are two of the best players in both of their sports and Megan is in the wubble supporting her girlfriend and carrying her dirty laundry for her. I loved it.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, the fact that she has committed to be there this whole time is awesome. And, her ... I was looking on Getty for work, trying to get pictures. Megan Rapinoe has walk in photos, like all the players do. [crosstalk 00:25:42]And she's only wearing a scarf. Exactly. She's always wearing a scarf and glasses, like she's trying to be in disguise but-

Brian Bosché:
There's no one there.

Meredith Minkow:
She wears the brightest [inaudible 00:25:54]

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
And there's no one there. There's no paparazzi or anything? It's just them, they're isolated.

Skylar Smith:
But, it's also like a Gucci scarf with tye dye pants. You're not being incognito, here.

Meredith Minkow:
I Know. She's the only one sitting court side, so every time they score, I see neon pants or like you said, or tye dye or something and purple hair. It's hilarious.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. All right. Let's get into our WNBA awards. We'll run through these a little bit quicker.

Brian Bosché:
The season's not over yet.

Skylar Smith:
The season's not over yet. There's still some room for there to be some movement on these awards. Let's save MVP for last. Let's start with Rookie of the Year. I think that's a fun one to start with. Brian, who do you think is the Rookie of the Year?

Brian Bosché:
Oh. I'm going to sound like I'm pandering.

Skylar Smith:
Go ahead. Go ahead. Do it.

Brian Bosché:
I want to give it to Chennedy Carter. That was our pick with Ari, early on. And she's what ... I have the stats up here ... 16.5 points a game, 3.5 assists, 2.2 rebounds. She's just been incredible. She got hurt, I think, it's been up and down. So, I'm going to give it to Chrystal Dangerfield. Sorry, I'm a pint in now, Meredith. So, I'm taking a queue from you here.

Meredith Minkow:
I'm having wine here.

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
So, we got a Lynx player. They've had a ton of injuries. She has really stepped up. I think, she's the leading scorer for the Lynx. I love that she was a second round pick. I think she will be the first, second round pick to win Rookie of the Year. I think it's a great story. I think she stepped up and helped the Lynx. I think, yeah ... I think it's her. And they're fourth, so, they're right up there with the top teams.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, Chrystal's my pick too-

Meredith Minkow:
I didn't know ...

Skylar Smith:
Chrystal's my pick, too. I have the same thought as Brian. I think it is so cool to see ... She's the lowest draft pick to, I mean, I'm not going to say to win, because, I don't want to jinx her. But, if she were to win, she would be the lowest draft pick. It sucks because we didn't get to see the full rookie class with all the injuries, but she's just had an incredible year.

Skylar Smith:
What about you, Meredith? Is she your pick? Feels like she has to be, right?

Meredith Minkow:
Obviously, my pick. Of course. She was really fun to watch too, as well. Just the fact that she is the starting point guard. Like Cheryl Reeve doesn't trust rookies like that usually. I feel like. Because of everything that's gone on, like Odyssey was out for a while so she had to step up. The fact that... Yeah. Averaging 15 a game and being a floor general and running the team really well. Sajid has been playing really well but Chrystal has just been so consistent. And Sajid, I feel like she started out pretty slow and has gained a little momentum but obviously, all the injuries. Shout out to Chrystal Dangerfield, she's killing it.

Skylar Smith:
Okay. Let's move on to Sixth Woman of the Year. I guess, I'll start. I'm going with Dearica, again. Two years in a row.

Brian Bosché:
Back to back.

Skylar Smith:
Back to back. I think she plays such a big role for this Aces team. It's just wild, how strong of a bench they have. The Aces are on pace to set a record for the most points per game from a bench unit in WNBA history. Which is wild. They are such a deep team and a lot of that is thanks to Dearica. She's had such a good year. She's averaging 13.2 points a game, which is a career best for her. So, yeah, two years in a row. Going with Dearica. What about you, Meredith? What do you think?

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, definitely, Hamby is awesome and really fun to watch play. She just like ... I've never seen someone hustle so hard-

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:
On every single play. She is giving it 200%. So, yeah, if anyone earns back to back, definitely her.

Skylar Smith:
Talk about cute babies too. I can't get enough Amaya content, truly. Brian, are you going to break from our picks?

Brian Bosché:
No, I'm not.

Skylar Smith:
It's Dearica?

Brian Bosché:
It's hard. I can't believe she's a sixth woman. It feels like she's so prominent in the league and I have some fun stories for you, some insider stuff. I just had a call yesterday with Alexis Robinson, who's one of Dearica's friends. I was talking about athlete branding and she ... It's so funny because Dearica went viral last year with that insane last second shot from half court, when they were still four seconds on the clock to win the game. So, she rose in prominence and so they've been building her brand over the last year.

Brian Bosché:
And it was really funny, because Alexis was like, "All my clients produce content well, they like to produce content, they like to ... They'll take the Instagram photo, they'll put the fits on. Dearica just won't. I always have to push her to produce more content." She's a star in the league, she has the cute baby. Kelsey Plum is like, "Yeah, I'll totally do it. Let me do it with Dearica. Let's do it together." But, just really funny to see that Dearica is clearly a star and is really charismatic and still hesitant to do the content creation side of things.

Brian Bosché:
So, she's my Sixth Woman.

Meredith Minkow:
That's just the type of player... I don't know her personally but she's just like hustle and not flashy. She just works hard every play. Just like head down and doing the work, so that doesn't surprise me, I guess.

Brian Bosché:
She's not flashy unless she's taking half court shots after stealing the ball with five seconds left-

Meredith Minkow:
For no reason at all.

Brian Bosché:
For no reason at all.

Skylar Smith:
All right. Defensive Player of the Year. Brian, who do you got?

Brian Bosché:
I got Napheesa Collier.

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:
Let's go.

Brian Bosché:
She's great.

Meredith Minkow:
She is great.

Brian Bosché:
Rookie of the Year last year, right? Just ... I don't have deep analytics on her, I feel like she's just a rebounding monster. No one can get by her. She's got some great steals. She's all around just an impossible person to go against. So, I'm picking Napheesa. And great podcast host.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, Napheesa's my pick too. Yeah, for all the reasons you said. What do you think, Meredith? Are you going with Napheesa as well?

Brian Bosché:
Are we doing two Lynx?

Meredith Minkow:
Obviously, Phee, yeah. But Alyssa Thomas too. Kind of tough, I'm choosing between those two as ... Yeah.

Skylar Smith:
So, Meredith is not going to be a homer.

Brian Bosché:
Other candidates, that's good. More awareness.

Meredith Minkow:
Phee was just like the kindness person ever and no nonsense, just goes about her business and is just so important for the Lynx, obviously.

Skylar Smith:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)-

Meredith Minkow:
Love Phee.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. All right. We got to get to one where we're breaking up these opinions a little bit. Let's go to Most Improved Player. I think Brian and I have different picks for this one and I don't know-

Brian Bosché:
You go first then, Skylar.

Skylar Smith:
Okay, cool.

Brian Bosché:
I'm going to put you on the spot.

Skylar Smith:
Mine is Myisha Hines-Allen from the Mystics.

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
She was great last year. She's having an incredible year this year. She's ninth in the league in scoring, third for rebounding and eight in total efficiency. For a Mystics team that hasn't been doing too great. So, yeah. She's my most improved. I think, she's had an incredible year and it's been really cool to see.

Skylar Smith:
Brian, we have different picks, right? Who are you going with?

Brian Bosché:
Meredith, who are you going with?

Meredith Minkow:
I was going to say Hines-Allen, as well. But, yeah, I'm going with her but I did want to mention, I wouldn't give the award to her but Kahleah Copper, is just ... She ... Her jump ... I think all the players knew what she was capable of and she definitely played well last season, but she's just stepped up a ton this season and her ceiling is just, I don't ... She just seems like she can get better and better every year. But ... I just wanted to give a nod to her but yeah, I would go Hines-Allen.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah. I didn't have a strong opinion here, Skylar. I've been doing some research, looking at the other people picking, copping out on this one, because, I didn't have any strong opinions. I'll just call it, Betnijah Laney from Atlanta Dream. Even though, the Dream have not been that great this year. Also has been playing pretty ... I think she's averaging 16 points a game or something after struggling. So, I'd just throw her out as well. So, I'll just pick her just to be different.

Skylar Smith:
Great. Love that for you, Brian.

Brian Bosché:
Thank you.

Skylar Smith:
All right. Let's get to it. MVP

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
MVP. Brian, you go first so that you can't copy anyone else's answers.

Brian Bosché:
This one ... This is where I'm like, all right, there's four days left. Because, I think, this one is really close, Breanna Stewart, has been my pick since the beginning. We actually live by her in Seattle.

Skylar Smith:
To be fair, you said Breanna Stewart, before this season started.

Brian Bosché:
True. Yes, I had a good feeling about that one since I think she's going to be the greatest basketball player of all time. We live by her, so, I'll see her walking around Pike Place or on the waterfront. Her arms are so long, it's terrifying. Unbelievable to see. But her[crosstalk 00:36:29] Yes. [crosstalk 00:36:33] It doesn't look real. It's more than Lebron, right? I think that's the fun fact.

Brian Bosché:
But I think A'ja and her have been battling. A'ja has continued to be strong and playing well. Breanna has not been playing that well the last few games. So, I'm ... I think it's going to come down to these last four days. So, right now, I'm going to say A'ja. I'm really crossing my fingers for Breanna to have a strong finish. I think they play each other one more time, too. So, maybe that will help with the decision.

Brian Bosché:
But, fun conversation topic before we move on to your pick. It's insane to me that A and Phee are hosting a podcast together. Skylar and I were talking about this, of what would the NBA equivalent of this be? Would this be Zion and Lebron hosting a pod cast together? Can you even imagine that, Meredith?

Meredith Minkow:
I never thought about it like that, but, you're right.

Brian Bosché:
They are two of the top players in the WNBA and they host a podcast where they interview Candace Parker. I wish the NBA had a version of this.

Meredith Minkow:
They should. It reminds me, the only thing I could think of was the Road Trippin podcast, but they were all teammates. That doesn't even ...

Brian Bosché:
They were just role players. I love Richard Jefferson. I love Channing. But-

Meredith Minkow:
Channing Frye as a role player? Come on.

Brian Bosché:
At that point in his career, I think they're going for that media job, which, shout out to Richard Jefferson, got it from that pod. It's amazing to see them. But, yeah, I'm going to say A'ja, right now, unless Stewie can pull it off in these next few games.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. I think, I'm going with A'ja, as well. Candace Parker is MVP of my heart. I think she's big up there in the running, but got to give it to A'ja. She's just ... She's really stepped up this year. She's had such a big impact on this Aces team, who has the second best record in the league right now. So, yeah, MVP. Love A'ja.

Skylar Smith:
Meredith, are you picking the same as us?

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, it's boring but I am. But, I also, I would put Courtney Vandersloot, pretty high up there.

Brian Bosché:
Oh, all right.

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:
I mean, she's averaging like ... I think she's averaging ten assists and the next highest is not even close to that. She runs that team. Yeah, I'd put A'ja at the top, Sue B., Second. But, I, personally, Skylar, don't hate me but I would put, I think I would put Courtney Vandersloot ahead of Candace Parker. I don't know if that is crazy to say, but.

Skylar Smith:
I don't think it's crazy.

Brian Bosché:
Not too many point guards win MVP in the WNBA, right? She'd be one of the few.

Meredith Minkow:

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. It's kind of different for people who are starting to get into the WNBA. It's different than the NBA, like the way teams are built and the way ... what kind of players are awarded. It's typically your centers and your forwards. It's kind of the people who can go between positions and post up and also be outside shooters. Whereas, point guards in the WNBA, aren't ... They aren't really built around as much as they are in the NBA and aren't getting awarded in the same way as they are in the WNBA.

Skylar Smith:
But, Courtney Vandersloot, she ... That was one of my favorite moments in this wubble, was her breaking that assist record with the assist to her wife.

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
How much cooler of a moment could you have, honestly?

Brian Bosché:

Meredith Minkow:

Skylar Smith:
All right, Brian, I'm going to throw it over to you. Do you want to run us through the current standings and a little bit of a playoff overview? The playoffs are much more complicated in the WNBA than they are in the NBA. So, we got to run through it.

Brian Bosché:
Well, just this year. The rules to compact it in and to try to condense the season. But, if we go through the standings right now, Storm are at the top, Las Vegas Aces, then Los Angeles Sparks, Minnesota Lynx, Phoenix Mercury, Chicago Sky, Connecticut Sun. So, those are the top seven, they have all clinched.

Brian Bosché:
We still have the Dallas Wings that are two and a half games back, if I can do my match correctly. The Mystics are a game behind the Wings. The Dream are a game behind the Mystics. So, we have the seven locked down, that last spot is in contention in these last few days.

Brian Bosché:
How the playoff works, I'm going to be a little hand wavy here, because, it's too complicated for a casual fan. There are 12 teams, eight make the playoffs, the bottom four will have to win two single elimination games to advance to a five game semi-final series. The number three and the number four seeds, will still have to win single elimination games too. And then I believe after those single elimination games, it's reseeded?

Brian Bosché:
So, a lot of stuff is going to happen over the next week. And then we're going to have the semi-finals, is my takeaway. Eight teams make the playoffs, the top ones get some byes, get some rest. Everyone's going to fight it out at the bottom. And then we're going to have the semi-finals and the playoffs moving forward.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, not a fan.

Brian Bosché:
I think I nailed that.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. Thanks, Brian. I was really just scared of messing that up. I was like, I just going to throw this one to you, you got it. And thanks, you nailed it.

Brian Bosché:
Thank you. Shout out to Matt Ellingtuck, who has an incredible WNBA newsletter. He tried to outline this and was hilariously outlining it. He was also battling with all the rules. That's the best, I could pull from his incredible newsletter.

Skylar Smith:
Yep. So, Brian, who's the favorite running into this playoffs? You just ran through the standings. It feels like it's basically the Aces and the Storm are the favorites at this point, right?

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, I think it's the Storm. I think they're going to run through every team-

Skylar Smith:
Okay, homer.

Brian Bosché:
I'm incredibly biased but they are, if we're just going to focus on the top teams here, the Storm have the complete team, they have the leadership, they have the young players, they have potential MVP candidates, they are the favorite for me.

Skylar Smith:
Meredith, is there anyone who you think is going to make a run, maybe surprise us a little bit, maybe upset a team? Who should we watch for, that aren't the teams that everyone is already thinking of? You can say the Lynx, by the way.

Meredith Minkow:
I'm trying not to be a huge homer, but, them being in fourth is crazy and I wouldn't want to face them, but, I want to talk about the Wings, a little bit. You talked about Arike but I've been watching their last couple of games and they have Mabrey is playing amazing. Obviously, they have Satou, Arike. They have a lot of great players on their team. And if they slide in ... They can slide into the last spot. You know? Yeah, right?

Brian Bosché:

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, they can.

Brian Bosché:
They're currently in that spot right now.

Meredith Minkow:
Yeah, I mean, just playing at the bottom. I don't know, I wouldn't want to play them. They've been really fun to watch. I hope they get in. I don't know if they can upset, maybe in a single elimination. But. Shout out to them.

Brian Bosché:
The single elimination is crazy. Because, it really comes down to one game for the whole season.

Skylar Smith:
Well and it feels like in the wubble, it feels like anything can happen, at any point. Just like we talked about. Injuries are happening a lot. Like God forbid, any of them get injured, I don't want to put that out into the universe. But it's been happening. And also, these players have been in this wubble for so long. We don't know where they're at mentally at this point. I think that there's, especially, with these single elimination games, there could be some big upsets here, just because, it's such a weird situation and it's not going to really follow what we'd always expect.

Meredith Minkow:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)- Yep. It's kind of sad. You could see these teams go through, mentally and physically, this wubble and just get bounced in one game. It always makes me sadder than normal playoffs. You work so hard to make it to the playoffs and then it's done within a couple of days but even with this, even more, I think it's just sad.

Skylar Smith:
Brian, who are the players you're going to watch out for in this playoffs and don't only say Breanna Stewart, say someone else.

Brian Bosché:
I won't. I've been balanced. I didn't pick her for MVP. I thought that gave me a lot of points.

Skylar Smith:
All right, you get your points.

Brian Bosché:
I think it's DT. I think, Diana Taurasi, is playing incredible. They're the fifth seed so they're going to play a top seed here unless they can over take the Lynx, Meredith. But, it's going to be one of her last seasons, knock on wood, but if she rips through the playoffs, I would not be surprised and that would be super fun to watch.

Skylar Smith:
I would love that honestly.

Meredith Minkow:

Skylar Smith:
I'm really hoping-

Meredith Minkow:
Her playoff record is [inaudible 00:46:14]

Brian Bosché:
Yeah. They said that-

Skylar Smith:
Playoff B.

Brian Bosché:
Because, people were ... I think, a couple of days ago, they were fighting for that last spot or something, so they were talking about how could you avoid DT in that elimination game, because she has a 16 and one record in them or something. Her record is crazy there.

Skylar Smith:
Playoff DT. I would love to see Diana Taurasi or Sue Bird get a championship this year. It just feels like we're coming up on their last couple of years and I just really want for both of them, I just want one more for them.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, another one for Sue.

Skylar Smith:
Another one.

Brian Bosché:
Just add another trophy there.

Skylar Smith:
And that's not me being a homer, I just want the best for Sue Bird, at all times.

Meredith Minkow:
A lot of homers on this podcast.

Skylar Smith:
All right-

Brian Bosché:
We're not journalists, Meredith.

Skylar Smith:
We never claimed to be unbiased on this podcast.

Brian Bosché:
What's the in between? The Bleach Report, you're actually journalists. What's the name for us? Is there a name for what we're doing?

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
Fan account? I don't know.

Skylar Smith:
I don't really know either.

Skylar Smith:
All right. We've got some ... Let's move on to some Twitter questions, to wrap this up. We've got some fun ones.

Brian Bosché:

Meredith Minkow:
Oh, no.

Brian Bosché:
Do you have them queued up, Skylar?

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, I've got a couple queued up.

Brian Bosché:
Okay, great.

Skylar Smith:
Meredith, you're incredible photographer. I have one of your photographs hanging in my apartment, by the way.

Meredith Minkow:
No way.

Skylar Smith:
I tweeted it at you. I ordered one. I love your photographs.

Meredith Minkow:
What it from a while ago? Did you order a while ago?

Skylar Smith:
Yeah, maybe two or three months ago.

Meredith Minkow:
Okay. Okay. I think I do remember that.

Skylar Smith:
Check out Meredith's [crosstalk 00:48:05] photographs. A lot of the ... Is it all of the proceeds ... part of the proceeds go to really good causes all the time, so check her out, order some photographs. Who has been your favorite player to photograph?

Meredith Minkow:
It's got to be Liz. I haven't even done that many ... I like ... I've been doing the journal type ones, where I'll follow a player around for a weekend or so. I got to do three of those last summer. And then I was just shooting games but I definitely prefer following a player around, getting to know their personality and capturing moments that aren't on the court. I was playing on doing a ton this summer but obviously, didn't work out.

Brian Bosché:
Aw, that's too bad.

Meredith Minkow:
I know. I was supposed to ... Well ... Okay ... I spent a weekend at WNBA All-Star with Liz, last year, for Bleacher Report, usually, I just do it on my own. I got to photograph her on the court and then she did a DJ set and we got to ride with her to that, be in a bus she had with her friends, go to her Adias party. I got to know her as a person, she's like the kindest person ever, and form a bond. I wanted to show her personality through photos. With that it was super easy, just because she has such a great personality. I would have to go with Liz.

Meredith Minkow:
But I had a good time, I did it with Jordin Canada, as well. She was really nice. Shot some Lynx games with Lexie Brown. I'd probably have to go with Liz, just because I got such a behind the scenes for the whole weekend. Long answer, but yeah.

Skylar Smith:
Nice. Follow up to that, question from friend of the pod, Ari Chambers. What is your favorite moment, you have ever captured?

Meredith Minkow:
I didn't actually ... What?

Brian Bosché:
I was going to say, while you think on that, shout out Coach Hugh, Hugh Hopkins for the first question.

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
Also, a friend of the pod. Love him.

Skylar Smith:
Love him.

Brian Bosché:
I was stalling for you, Meredith, sorry, go ahead.

Meredith Minkow:
I appreciate that. I didn't actually capture the moment because it was a rebound but Sabrina, when she made history. I got to shoot the game at Stanford. With WNBA, I get to sit on the court, while they play, which is really cool. She broke that record. I forget exactly what it was, 1K something.

Brian Bosché:
It was like most combined or something like that.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. 5K points, 1K rebounds, 1K assists. Maybe? I can't remember

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, that sounds right.

Meredith Minkow:
But, so I didn't take a picture of the rebound, I got to shot her, that game. That was the day that she flew in from Kobe's funeral, where she gave a really moving speech and she was sick that day. She didn't warm up. She had flu symptoms and she still broke the record. That was just watching greatness, I guess. It was awesome.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah, I remember those photos. Those were amazing.

Skylar Smith:
Yeah. Just what a day for basketball that was, too. Last one, I'm asking this one selfishly because I also have curious about this question. How do you walk 12 miles a day and keep going? How do you do it? I want you to teach me your ways.

Meredith Minkow:
Okay. I used to live in San Francisco. Now, I live in Oakland. When I lived in San Francisco and when I started working at Bleacher Report, I was on 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM shifts. Now, I'm nine to five. I'd wake up at 5:00 every day. I would literally leave my apartment at 5:30 or 6:00 and walk until 2:00 PM. And I walk pretty fast. I bring my camera, which gives me motivation, I just walk around and take photos. If I wasn't taking photos, it would be a lot harder.

Meredith Minkow:
Here, I live right by the lake and I walk three loops around a four mile lake, every single day. On Fridays and Saturdays, when I don't have work, I take the train to the city and walk the hills for like, seven hours and take photos.

Skylar Smith:

Meredith Minkow:
The only motivation I have is for the photos, otherwise, I'd be asleep.

Skylar Smith:

Brian Bosché:
Where did you find-

Skylar Smith:
It sounds [crosstalk 00:53:17]

Brian Bosché:
You don't have to share your secrets but what neighborhood was the flower basketball hoop in, that you just shared. I think that was one of your best ones, that I've seen.

Meredith Minkow:
Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Thank you so much. It's, actually, my favorite district to shoot in San Francisco. It's called the Castro District.

Brian Bosché:
Oh, okay.

Meredith Minkow:
It's a 15 minute walk from downtown. I think when people visit San Francisco, they stay in the financial district, I don't know if you guys have been before. But most people stay downtown, which is pretty dirty and just shops and stuff. But if you explore around all the neighborhoods are super cute and beautiful. The Castro is the one that I like the most. It has the most colorful houses. It also has Delores Park, which is a pretty famous park-

Brian Bosché:
I played pickup there last year.

Meredith Minkow:

Brian Bosché:
So fun.

Meredith Minkow:
How did [inaudible 00:54:23] play?

Brian Bosché:
I mean they're awful, I destroyed them.

Skylar Smith:
That's what Brian says everywhere he plays.

Brian Bosché:
I mean, it's true, everywhere I play. Last time I was in San Francisco, I did the ... My wife, Skylar's sister, was at a conference, I tried to hit as many basketball courts as I could around the city, which was so much fun.

Meredith Minkow:
Love it.

Brian Bosché:
And ended at Delores and played there.

Meredith Minkow:
You picked an amazing court to play on.

Brian Bosché:
Thank you. That was a really fun one.

Meredith Minkow:
That was amazing. I just, kind of, explore around, so, I just walked up as many hills as possible and just stumbled upon that one. And I don't write down any of the courts that I find, like streets wise, just because I like to ... It gives me more motivation to walk around and find more courts.

Brian Bosché:
Yeah. They're special.

Meredith Minkow:
So, up the hill to the Castro.

Skylar Smith:
Meredith, thank you so much for coming on today-

Brian Bosché:
Yes, thank you.

Skylar Smith:
And running us through this WNBA guide. This has been so fun. Where can people find you?

Meredith Minkow:
First of all, thank you so much for having me. I had an awesome time. Let's see. M-U-R-R-M-I-N-K-S is my handle on both Twitter and Instagram. I always feel weird promoting that. That's where you can find me for hot takes and a lot of Jimmy Butler content. I guess.

Skylar Smith:
And some great photography, don't sell yourself short. All right. Thanks guys. It's been an awesome episode. We'll see you back here on Sunday for the Sunday Roast Show.


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